Something has been burning a hole in my head lately. It's sort of a morally enhancing idea. If you are reading this, then you have certainly heard of coupon websites, one day deals, and so forth. The sole purpose of those websites is to make money. In actuality, it is one of the easiest money making strategies I've ever seen. All you do is collect a huge email contact list, get a business or service to advertise on your webpage for one day (which basically costs nothing,) and BOOM, you are making half of whatever the company made off of the deal. Easy right? Well I always thought that having a website like that would be amazing for charities. Most websites do 50/50 sales split with the client running the coupon. Well I wonder how profitable a coupon website would be if the profit was split 40/40/20. The company advertising would pick the charity or foundation that the 20 percent would go to, giving them moral incentive to run a coupon. Who doesn't like helping out the needy when they need it? I said something to my Friend Tim about it and jokingly came up with the name for a website. The name was Brilliant right!? It is so dang catchy. The only catch is that the website would not be a religious and churches would not benefit at all. All proceeds would go directly to a charity or foundation. Instead of helping because of religious purposes, would be simply people helping other people. I still haven't though out the logistics too well. Anyways, I am going to ponder this idea and maybe photoshop something for my entertainment.